Ann Marie Dougherty, MS, RD, LDN (she/her/hers), is a registered dietitian working in the field of eating disorders, pediatrics, and weight management for 20 years. She is very passionate about helping clients achieve their health and wellness goals! Ann Marie strongly believes in personalizing nutrition care, while working diligently with her client’s healthcare team, family, and loved ones to ensure the most comprehensive care. She wants her clients to have a healthy relationship with food and their bodies, and includes Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating principles for support. Ann Marie is a graduate of the University of Dayton, and received her Master’s of Science in Nutrition degree from the University of Cincinnati. She previously worked at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center for over 13 years and just recently was working in private practice for New Leaf Nutrition Counseling in Raleigh for 6 years.
Ann Marie is originally from Perrysburg, Ohio and will always be a Buckeye at heart. However, she enjoys living in Raleigh and loves the year-round warmer weather and sunshine! Ann Marie and her husband have two children, and have just added a puppy to the bunch! She enjoys time and travel with family and friends, being involved in church, reading, and exercising!
Last 30 Posts
- Love Your Body (February 14, 2017)
- Five for Friday – 5 Reasons for Oak City Psychology (October 20, 2016)
- Welcome to Oak City! (October 17, 2016)
- Five for Friday: 5 Things To Do While You Wait (September 9, 2016)
- The Difficulties of Waiting (September 6, 2016)
- “Politics” are Personal (June 26, 2013)
- I Can’t Believe I Ate the Whole Thing (June 5, 2013)
- Feeling Privileged and Why That’s Not a Good Thing (May 9, 2012)
- Being a Witness – What Our Soldiers Have Taught Me (June 27, 2011)
- Toning Shoes for Girls?!? (May 13, 2011)
- Is this an Eating Disorder? (March 30, 2011)
- Unbreakable Bonds (February 1, 2011)
- Surviving Thanksgiving (November 8, 2010)
- Our National Eating Disorder (September 27, 2010)
- The Secret of Happiness (July 19, 2010)
- Review: Trauma and Recovery (July 15, 2010)
- Father Hunger: The Importance of the Father Daughter Relationship (June 17, 2010)
- Mommy Survivor (May 25, 2010)
- Big Ben (April 14, 2010)
- Making Peace with Women’s Bodies (April 12, 2010)
- Mommy Olympics (February 16, 2010)
- Ambiguous Loss (February 6, 2010)
- Motherland (January 28, 2010)
- We’re Gonna Make a Resolution (December 31, 2009)
- ANXIETY!!!! (December 7, 2009)
- Attacking the Science of Psychology (December 3, 2009)
- Putting the Thanks back in Thanksgiving (November 18, 2009)
- Simple vs. Easy (November 10, 2009)
- Much Ado about Happiness (November 4, 2009)
- How do you become a therapist anyway? (October 26, 2009)
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